Congratulations, SELF!
Have you taken a moment to tap yourself on the shoulder and say, "You did it!"?
Yes, you—despite the struggles, the losses, and the exhaustion. For months, you battled through challenges, yet you didn’t give up. You woke up each day with fresh hope and courage. You accomplished tasks, reached goals, and kept moving forward.
Let me remind you of this beautiful truth: THE LORD IS BRINGING YOU INTO A NEW SEASON OF LIFE. As God declares in His Word, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” - Isaiah 43:19
Every season has a purpose, its trials, and its rewards. So, in this new season, what does God require of you?
First, let go. Let go of things that no longer serve their purpose in your life. If you desire to step into what God has prepared, acknowledge that pruning is necessary. Growth begins when we release what’s holding us back.
Second, be vigilant. Prepare yourself for attacks from the enemy. The closer you are to stepping into your destiny, the more resistance you may face. Remember, the enemy won’t sit idly while you walk into God’s plan. So arm yourself with faith and prayer.
Lastly, trust God. The same God who guided you through the first season of this year is the same God who will see you through to the end. He is faithful to complete what He has started in you.
Take heart! This new season is God’s gift to you—embrace it with courage, faith, and a grateful heart. 💛
Your new season begins with clarity and purpose. Download my free ebook, Unstoppable, and uncover how to live the life God designed for you.
what a wonderful gift, indeed!